Flower Power

Flower Power

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The word 'NO'

When my daughter was little, she had the hardest time with the word 'NO'.  She still dos'nt like it much, but at least she knows what it means.  She used to think 'NO' meant she just hasn't asked enough, or that 'NO' meant yes as long as she didn't get caught.  I know some kids think 'NO' from mom means go ask dad.  It's a small powerful word that seems to get misunderstood a lot. 
Lately I have had a hard time saying 'NO'.  I want to be able to help everyone, anytime.  I don't want to let anyone down, but sometimes I just have to say 'NO'.
Someone, once told me that the word 'NO' is by itself a complete sentence.  I love that and think I need it on a bumper sticker.  I figure I could say yes to ten things and do them just OK, or I could say 'NO' to five of those things and do the other five thing 'WELL', or say 'NO' to seven of those thing and do the three things I have left 'GREAT'.  'GREAT sound better to me.

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