Flower Power

Flower Power

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The word 'NO'

When my daughter was little, she had the hardest time with the word 'NO'.  She still dos'nt like it much, but at least she knows what it means.  She used to think 'NO' meant she just hasn't asked enough, or that 'NO' meant yes as long as she didn't get caught.  I know some kids think 'NO' from mom means go ask dad.  It's a small powerful word that seems to get misunderstood a lot. 
Lately I have had a hard time saying 'NO'.  I want to be able to help everyone, anytime.  I don't want to let anyone down, but sometimes I just have to say 'NO'.
Someone, once told me that the word 'NO' is by itself a complete sentence.  I love that and think I need it on a bumper sticker.  I figure I could say yes to ten things and do them just OK, or I could say 'NO' to five of those things and do the other five thing 'WELL', or say 'NO' to seven of those thing and do the three things I have left 'GREAT'.  'GREAT sound better to me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


My hardest part about being an artist is focusing on one project at a time.  I have so many ideas and only so much time.  Thank goodness for lists or I would never get things done.  I have been journaling alot more this year which has helped me to stay on track.  It has also helped to inspire me the few time that I did not have a prodject going on. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Cool Kid

I am amazed at how very cool my daughter is.  We were riding in the car and she said to me,  "Mom I like how you always notice the little things in life."  I said, "That's funny because I like how you see the little things in life."   Then she asked me, "Do you think everyone sees what we see?"  I said, "They could if they slowed down and opened their eyes." 
 Take the time to find something small and insignificant and describe it in your journal.  Sometimes the small things in life can make the biggest differences.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Thank God for Spring!  It has been a long cold winter.
My daughter and I took our bunny Ruby over to Mr. Rays to meet Mr. Rays bunny Bentley.
Ruby at Christmas with Santa.

What a learning experience.  Ruby basically took a nap while Bentley wore himself out.  All in all Bentley succeeded and Ruby will be having babies in about 31 days.  They are Florida White rabbits and very cute. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What is Crazy

I think there is different kinds of CRAZY.  Good and not so good.  I like being a little crazy, you get to live in a bigger box.  There is more room for change when you can accept  that things aren't always going to run the same way.  Some days are going to be crazy ones and some poeple are not going to walk in straight lines.  Sometimes the road can be very colorful.  I hope you all have a colorful day and take time to embrace CRAZY.