Well it has been a long time since I have written in this blog. Life gets so busy, I don't know how people have time. My goal is to blog more.
This is the most glorious spring. The weather has been wonderful. I hope everyone can find time to go to the park, take your shoes off and walk bare foot in the grass. I am hoping I can find some creative juices in all this sunshine.
Ellie and I have rehabbed some baby squirrels. Two boys and their sister. They are so cute but I am amazed at how many people are scared or just down right hate squirrels. What is up with that.
You plant a garden and expect the squirrels to just assume that you did not do it for them? hum?
The squirrels should be released next week. There is nothing better than seeing something or someone do what they are naturally suppose to do. Squirrels being squirrels, kids being kids, birds flying, horses running. Enjoy the SPRING, and feed the squirrels.